Increased Risk
Major study finds that taking Tylenol during pregnancy is associated with a 19% increased risk of autism and 21% increased risk of ADHD.
Known Dangers Tylenol autism lawsuits allege drug makers and retailers like Walmart, CVS, and others failed to warn parents of autism link despite knowing of the dangers.
Available Compensation
Parents can seek financial compensation for their child’s treatments, therapy, medical expenses, and other damages resulting from the diagnosis.
Tylenol Autism Lawsuit
Tylenol autism lawsuit claims are being filed in response to the growing body of research linking Tylenol (generic: acetaminophen) during pregnancy with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Lawyers are working to certify a Tylenol autism class action lawsuit in federal court. If a class action is certified, attorneys predict that many thousands of acetaminophen autism lawsuits against drug manufacturers and retailers like Walmart, CVS, Walgreens and others will be filed throughout the country.
The award-winning personal injury lawyers at Wisner Baum are representing families with children who were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) after being exposed to Tylenol in utero.
Tylenol and Autism Class Action Lawsuit
In 2022, there was a sharp uptick in the amount of Tylenol autism lawsuits filed throughout the country. As of August 2022, there are at least 20 Tylenol lawsuits in six states that make similar allegations—prenatal use of Tylenol or acetaminophen drugs caused children to develop autism or ADHD. Attorneys representing plaintiffs in these cases have filed a motion with the federal Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) to consolidate the cases into a new Tylenol class action multidistrict litigation. If the federal panel grants the MDL, we anticipate many thousands of new cases will be filed in the coming years.

Contact our experienced attorneys to learn about your legal options. Your consultation is free and confidential.
Qualify for Tylenol Lawsuit Autism and ADHD
Wisner Baum attorneys represent individuals who meet the following Tylenol autism and ADHD lawsuit criteria*:
Mothers who took any one of the following medications during pregnancy:
- Tylenol
- Generic Acetaminophen
- Generic Paracetamol
- NyQuil or DayQuil
- Alka-Seltzer Plus
- Excedrin
- Robitussin
- Goody’s
- Mucinex
Child diagnosed with one of the following:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Asperger’s Syndrome
- Kanner’s Syndrome
- Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
- Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)
If you meet the criteria, you may have a Tylenol ADHD autism lawsuit claim. The best way to check your Tylenol claim eligibility is to contact the attorneys at Wisner Baum by filling out our case evaluation form or calling us at (855) 948-5098.
*Case criteria for Tylenol autism/ADHD claims may change at any time.
Acetaminophen Autism and ADHD Studies
Over the past decade, the growing body of scientific studies are pointing more and more to the link between Tylenol and autism. More than two dozen studies have identified positive associations between acetaminophen exposure during pregnancy and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or ADHD. Of these, 16 specifically investigated the dose-response and identified a dose-response association. This means that increased duration and amount of exposure to Tylenol/acetaminophen during pregnancy was associated with increased risk.
One of the most significant Tylenol autism studies was published in the leading scientific journal JAMA Psychiatry in 2020. According to the study, umbilical cord “biomarkers of fetal exposure to acetaminophen were associated with significantly increased risk of childhood ADHD and ASD in a dose-response fashion.”
The study’s authors noted that “[s]ensitivity analyses . . . and subgroup analyses found consistent associations between acetaminophen and ADHD and acetaminophen and ASD across strata of potential confounders, including maternal indication, substance use, preterm birth, and child age and sex.” The study concluded “previous studies regarding the association between prenatal and perinatal acetaminophen exposure and childhood neurodevelopmental risk and warrant additional investigations.” The medical and scientific community continues to study and be concerned about the Tylenol autism link.
In another major study published in the June 2021 edition of the European Journal of Epidemiology, researchers examined health data from over 73,000 mother-child pairs across Europe. The study found that unborn children exposed to acetaminophen were 19% more likely to show signs of autism and 21% more likely to show signs of ADHD compared to non-exposed children.
In a 2020 study published in JAMA Pediatrics, researchers concluded that doctors should re-evaluate the safety of acetaminophen for pregnant women after finding that prenatal exposure was associated with increased odds of ADHD.
In 2018, the American Journal of Epidemiology published a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression analysis that assessed the association between exposure to acetaminophen during pregnancy and the risk for neurodevelopmental disorders. The study utilized seven eligible retrospective cohorts that included 132,738 mother-child pairs, with follow-up periods ranging from 3 to 11 years. The study found acetaminophen exposure during pregnancy is associated with a 20%–30% increased risk for neurodevelopmental disorders. Specifically, a 30% increased risk of ADHD and 20% increased risk of ASD.
Is Tylenol Acetaminophen?
Yes. Paracetamol (N-acetyl-p-aminophenol or APAP), also known as acetaminophen, is the active ingredient in hundreds of medications used to relieve pain and reduce fever. Acetaminophen is the most common drug ingredient in the U.S.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has long held that Tylenol during pregnancy is safe when used as directed. However, increasing research suggests that Tylenol during pregnancy may alter fetal development, which can increase the risks of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism and ADHD.
Common Acetaminophen Drugs
- Tylenol
- NyQuil
- DayQuil
- Excedrin
- Alka-Seltzer Plus
- Mucinex
- Robitussin
- Goody’s
Can You Take Tylenol While Pregnant?
For many years, doctors advised pregnant women to take Tylenol or generic acetaminophen to relieve pain. Tylenol and its generic equivalents have long been advertised as the safest, and the only appropriate, over the counter (OTC) pain relief drug on the market for pregnant women. Between 40 and 65% of women use acetaminophen during pregnancy.
But medical research shows that taking Tylenol during pregnancy comes with risk.
The peer-reviewed medical journal Nature Reviews Endocrinology published a Consensus Statement in 2021 that warned mothers of the potential risks associated with taking acetaminophen drugs during pregnancy:
“[w]e believe the combined weight of animal and human scientific evidence is strong enough for pregnant women to be cautioned by health professionals against its indiscriminate use, both as a single ingredient and in combination with other medications. We recommend that APAP should be used by pregnant women cautiously at the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time. Long-term or high-dose use should be limited to indications as advised by a health professional. Packaging should include warning labels including these recommendations. Given the high prevalence of APAP use by pregnant women, the public health implications of use reduction might be substantial.”
More and more children in the U.S. have cognitive, behavioral, or learning impairments. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) conducted a study that found 17% of children between the ages of three and 17 had a developmental disability, and importantly, that this percentage increased over the two time periods compared, 2009–2011 and 2015–2017.
Numerous studies conducted over the last few years suggest that acetaminophen during pregnancy may contribute to reproductive and neurobehavioral disorders. Tylenol during pregnancy may increase the risk of:
- Autism
- Developmental disabilities
- Behavioral difficulties
- Delayed language abilities
- Lowered IQ
- Other neurodevelopmental issues
Can a Pregnant Woman Take Excedrin?
Pregnant women who suffer from migraine headaches often ask if Excedrin is safe during pregnancy. The active ingredients in Excedrin are acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. The quick answer is that Excedrin should be treated like Tylenol/acetaminophen, which studies have shown comes with an increased risk of autism and ADHD when taken during pregnancy.
Is This a Johnson & Johnson Tylenol Lawsuit?
Currently, Johnson & Johnson is not named in the Tylenol autism suits. However, that could change as the litigation progresses. The defendants named in these cases are retailers that sell generic brands of Tylenol. Thus far, the defendants include:
- Walmart
- Walgreens
- Rite Aid
- Costco
- Safeway
What Will the Tylenol Autism Lawsuit Payout Be?
It is completely understandable for clients to ask how much their case is worth. Answering this question, however, is difficult for numerous reasons. Generally speaking, the value of a Tylenol ADHD or autism case will be determined by a person’s claims for damages. Damages in this litigation are calculated based on (among other things):
- Expenses for health care and therapy related to your child’s medical condition, both in the past and in the future
- Loss of earnings if your child’s diagnosis forced you to stop work to take care of them.
- Loss of earning capacity of the child who cannot work due to the diagnosis or has limited ability due to the condition than would otherwise have.
- The mental anguish, stress, pain, and suffering caused to the child and family.
- Punitive damages against the defendants may also be possible. Punitive damages are exemplary damages awarded at the court's discretion when a defendant’s actions are particularly harmful. While each case is different, punitive damages can be worth several times more than the compensatory damages.
As the parent of a child diagnosed with autism or ADHD (or both), you already know how expensive health care services like occupational therapy and speech therapy can be. For some, these services are not covered by their health care insurance policy. In a lot of cases, these therapy and treatment are needed for many years.
Our attorneys intend to hold the defendants accountable so parents are not forced to shoulder this financial burden alone and without resources. Pursuing a Tylenol claim is your way of pursuing justice and compensation for these and other expenses.
If you would like our team to review your Tylenol autism lawsuit, contact us today for a free and confidential case evaluation.
How Does Acetaminophen Increase the Risk of Autism and ADHD?
Undisturbed development of the human brain while a baby is in the uterus is vital to the health and wellness of the child’s development. The human brain is vulnerable and extremely sensitive in utero, which is why exposure to certain chemicals has been found to cause permanent brain injury even at low exposure levels. Once ingested by the mother, the acetaminophen crosses the placenta and blood-brain barrier causing damage to the fetus.
For decades, scientific and epidemiological research has shown taking acetaminophen while pregnant can alter fetal development, significantly increasing the risks of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Award-Winning Attorneys Pursuing Tylenol Lawsuit Compensation for American Families
If you used Tylenol or pain relief medications like NyQuil, Excedrin, or other medications containing acetaminophen during pregnancy and your child was diagnosed with autism or ADHD, our firm is interested in pursuing justice and maximum compensation on your behalf. The scientific evidence linking acetaminophen during pregnancy and neurodevelopmental disorders is strong.
Our legal team strongly believes that once the evidence and body of research is presented to juries, we could see significant verdicts and settlements in the future. We are accepting Tylenol autism claims on a contingent fee basis, which means that we front the cost of the litigation and only collect attorney fees and cost reimbursement if we are successful in getting you compensation at trial or through a settlement.